Burrowing In
Enough...Time out...Foul...Seriously... Every day the multitude of interactions live or virtual, uttered in a variety of tone or flavor,...

"When women come together beautiful things happen."~ Laura Rudacille "Coming together" is particularly true when you're bringing together...

Gather and Roost!
"When women come together beautiful things happen." ~ Laura Rudacille

Legacy of Love
The virtues of L♡VE surround us in abundance every day... Kindness, Understanding, Strength of self control, Patience, Endurance, and...

the Pantry of your Heart
How’s your heart? Your heart was designed on purpose to expand with love and joy. A resilient muscle intended to take a hit then recover...

Caution~ I'm about to get naked
“JOY is a decision, a brave one, of how you plan to respond to life.” ~unknown If joy is the bar for keeping or tossing the clothing in...

Prep Work and Over “Geared”
Ready? Set? …hang on a moment. Kohls clearance curtains started this mess. Yards of fabric pattered with cheerfulness led to a recliner...

An Acquired Skill Set
Much like my linen closet, aquiring the skill set of organized womanhood remains a challenge. I continue to be a mass of tangled lessons...

Bubbles of Possibility
"This is me" a gentle voice whispers... buried beneath the roar of musts, shoulds, couldn'ts, and can'ts. "This is me" she tries again...

Shoot the Curl
I was listening more than watching the marathon TV airing of Titanic. Young and hopeful, Jack runs full speed along the adventurous road...