One Step at a Time

The bus and my offspring weren’t on the same schedule today.
I launched into action and the frenzy of second saving choices began... undergarments, street legal pajamas, brush teeth, socks, shoes or tamed hair.
I had the momentary “Always wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident.” But seriously... if I’m in need of emergency care embarrassment will be low on my list of concerns.
Sweater overhead, hop hop into PJ bottoms, scoop up footwear as I herd the boy and the dog into the car and we enter the fray.
Life’s road is narrow yet the carries us all.
The continual shifting balance and relentless universal pressure weighs on me...
Imbalance, unpredictability, obstacles, opportunities... the cargo of Life....might as well breathe deep, square my shoulders, and step forward.
My closet for navigating life’s pathway contains more footwear than any one person could need...
Boots with an aggressive tread for stomping and managing unstable terrain.
Sneakers for gaining space and distance or rushing in a blur of activity and experience in the name of doing more, more, and more.
Flip Flops for uncomplicated living and kicking back to linger barefooted while feeling the texture ~gravel, pavement, concrete, dirt, sand~ the road offers.
Ballet shoes (metaphorically) laced with ribbon creating an artful flow of weightless movement leaving little impact and adding beauty and effortless grace.
Oh the Grace... so good... like the sun’s rays kissing my face and tanning my shoulders, making me long for...
Heels- the highest, arch braking stilettos, to elevate me as I stretch and strain to capture the warmth.
Choose your footwear carefully and travel gently , there's no one-style-for-everyone; No blister or bunion free guarantee .
Sixty minutes post morning chaos, I'm sipping hot peach tea as the keyboard clatters.
I accept the hectic hour for what it was... a stroll in a different direction. A stroll which has gratefully made time to complete general morning grooming.
Life’s long and twisty road is tiring...and there are moments I feel like I’m squishing into pumps that pinch my toes or boots too hot for the changing weather.
When I was younger I’d buy trendy and painfully stylish standing shoes. Not for moving at all but for standing... Still.
The impracticality of the fact boggles me in this season of life, but there is.
Share the road with whomever wanders you way. Notice their movement, gate, and stride.
Observe the grace in their journey, choice of security, and free spirited bare soles...
Notice, learn, glean, without sitting down to remove or change your shoes.
Balance... theirs, yours, mine... as unique as the individual choosing the Birkenstock, Platform, or Wellington.
My inner, truest, self knows I’m weary... she knows I see stretches of long and lonely, steep and windy, slick and snow covered on the road ahead.
“Hey...over here,” my Arriving Goddess whispers, “go barefoot for a bit." "Come this way...breathe and be grounded.”
I hear her and I’m listening...
Flexing my feet I feel the soil beneath me. Stretching... arms wide I offer my heart and lift my face to absorb all that's being offered.
Smiling I stride on the road of rightness and feels good to me with a closet full of comfy shoes - a pair for each season and expression - waiting their turn to propel me forward.
I'll glide, dance, and twirl...
I'll rest, recover and restore...
One step at a time, One step at a time. One step at a time...
Chat soon~ Laura
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We're in it together and we're all in the process of Becoming.
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