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Legacy of Love

The virtues of L♡VE surround us in abundance every day...

Kindness, Understanding, Strength of self control, Patience, Endurance, and Forgiveness.

We share laughter and tears. We share experience and gain knowledge. We offer compassion and give generously. We heal and we grow.

Designed in and for love, we are intended to cultivate and ongoing supply so we may live in fullness and spill over into our home and community in as beautiful spiral of expanding goodness.

Becoming whole through love offers a powerful possibility to discover ALL you are meant to be.

What do you want your love legacy to say about you?

Grow, develop, and build upon the virtues of L♡VE...for you from you.

Begin with the virtue of kindness.

In this moment Smile!

Invite the movement of your cheeks to lift your spirit and ease your busy mind. Breathe into your smile giving it life and movement.

Kindness....for you from you.

Offer your smile to another person in your home, on the sidewalk, at work or in the grocery store.

Allow each smile exchanged to fill you.

Shift your attention to understanding and once again begin with you. In a constant state of learning, in a world where the curve seems infinite, Be gentle...

Understanding...for you from you.

Next embrace the virtue of strength of self-control. Provide undivided attention when listening and allow reason to lead your reactions... Strength of self control....for you from you.

Pause often for patience~ easing of the heart makes room for humor and acceptance... Patience... for you from you.

Endurance like every virtue is sewn in at birth and is limitless. Be encouraged to try again and again, and again...Endurance...for you from you.

Forgiveness, the ultimate equalizer, opens the door to possibility and healing... Forgiveness... for you from you.

Cultivate a Legacy of L♡VE.and Live in Fullness. Spill over and be delighted as goodness flows into your home, workplace, and community....and for you from you becomes From you FOR others.

Chat soon ~Laura

Continue the Conversation~ Join Laura LIVE Sunday Nights on Facebook ~ 7:45 es in the AGR HEN HOUSE

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